Thursday, October 18, 2007

Christmas cards

It's a good feeling to have your Christmas cards all stamped and addressed before the end of October.
Now I will have time to make lefsa,filled cookies and poppy seed rolls.
I already have my gifts done for the cookie making week end,my trip planed,no I don't have my bag packed yet.
I may go to Kansas City on the bus as it only $100. round trip.That would be not until Dec.
I am going to Jack Harmon dinner on the 18th od this month(
tomorrow)I will try to not eat too many biscuits.It took one half hour to put this on the blog,which is why I am not appearing too often.


Anonymous said...

Don't eat too much at the Harmon chicken dinner. You might get to be the fattest sister.


Heidi said...

Wow. I'm impressed. I'm thinking Christmas and starting some gifts but I always leave cards to the last minute. Looking forward to cookie-baking!

When's your trip to Kansas City?